Analysis · September 9, 2024

Bayesian Probability Theory and Its Relevance to Public Sector Procurement in the UK

Bayesian probability is a fascinating and powerful concept within the world of statistics and decision-making. Named after the 18th-century mathematician Thomas Bayes, this theory offers a unique way of thinking about probabilities, especially when compared to traditional or “frequentist” approaches. Unlike frequentist methods, which consider probability as a fixed long-term outcome (like flipping a fair coin), Bayesian probability embraces the idea that our understanding of probabilities can change as new information becomes available. It’s like adjusting your expectations in light of fresh evidence—an approach that mirrors how we make decisions in real life.

In this article, we will explore the principles behind Bayesian probability in a straightforward way, followed by how this method could potentially transform public sector procurement in the UK.

Understanding Bayesian Probability Theory

At its core, Bayesian probability theory is about updating beliefs based on new data. The theory revolves around Bayes’ Theorem, which calculates the probability of a particular event happening based on prior knowledge (the probability you start with) and the likelihood of new evidence.

For example, let’s say you’re watching a horse race, and you have some initial idea (a “prior belief”) about which horse is most likely to win based on its past performance. Now, imagine that you learn something new—like the weather conditions have changed or one horse has had a minor injury. Bayesian probability allows you to update your belief about which horse will win based on this new information.

In simple terms, the formula for Bayes’ Theorem looks like this:

P(A∣B)= P(B) P(B∣A)×P(A)


  • P(A∣B)P(A|B)P(A∣B) is the probability of event A occurring given that B is true.
  • P(B∣A)P(B|A)P(B∣A) is the probability of event B given that A is true.
  • P(A)P(A)P(A) is the initial or “prior” probability of A.
  • P(B)P(B)P(B) is the overall probability of B.

While this may seem complex, it essentially says: “We revise our prediction about A when we know B.”

A Simple Example: Diagnosing an Illness

To bring this to life, let’s consider a medical example. Imagine you go to the doctor because you’re worried you might have a particular illness. Before any test, the doctor has a prior belief about how likely it is you have the illness, based on statistics or common cases. The doctor then orders a diagnostic test, which offers new evidence. Bayesian probability would allow the doctor to combine both the prior belief (how common the illness is) and the test result (how reliable the test is) to give you an updated probability of whether you have the illness.

This ability to update beliefs in light of new data is the key strength of Bayesian probability theory. It allows for more flexible, nuanced decision-making compared to approaches that rely on fixed probabilities.

Potential Uses of Bayesian Probability in UK Public Sector Procurement

Now that we’ve laid the foundation for what Bayesian probability theory is, let’s explore how it could benefit procurement in the UK public sector, particularly within the NHS or other government bodies.

Public procurement is all about making decisions. Whether it’s purchasing medical supplies, IT systems, or infrastructure services, procurement officers must weigh up risks, costs, and benefits. Bayesian thinking can provide a framework for making these decisions more data-driven, adaptable, and informed by the latest available information.

1. Supplier Risk Assessment

One of the most important tasks in procurement is evaluating the reliability of potential suppliers. With Bayesian probability, procurement teams can update their assessments of suppliers over time as new information comes in, such as performance data, financial health, or changes in market conditions.

For example, let’s say an NHS framework is looking to contract with a supplier of medical devices. Initially, the procurement team might assign a high likelihood (prior probability) that the supplier will deliver on time, based on their track record. However, if news comes out that the supplier has experienced recent production issues, the team can adjust their expectations using Bayesian methods. This could help them make more informed decisions about whether to proceed with the contract or seek alternatives.

Scenario: You want to assess the probability of a supplier delivering on time based on past performance and new information (e.g., recent production issues).

Steps in Excel:

  • Initial Setup: Start by creating a table with prior probabilities. For example, you might have a list of suppliers, with columns representing their historical on-time delivery rate (the prior probability, P(A)P(A)P(A)).
  • New Evidence: Create a new column to input likelihood ratios, which reflect the likelihood of new events (e.g., production delays) affecting the probability of on-time delivery (P(B∣A)P(B|A)P(B∣A)).
  • Bayes’ Theorem Calculation: Use a formula to update the probability of on-time delivery (P(A∣B)P(A|B)P(A∣B)).
= (P(B|A) * P(A)) / P(B)

Supplier A’s prior on-time delivery rate is 0.9. After receiving news of production issues (likelihood P(B∣A)=0.7P(B|A) = 0.7P(B∣A)=0.7), you can calculate the new probability using Bayes’ formula.
You would use cell references like =(B2*C2)/D2 where B2 is the likelihood P(B∣A)P(B|A)P(B∣A), C2 is the prior probability P(A)P(A)P(A), and D2 is the overall probability P(B)P(B)P(B).

Outcome: You’ll get a dynamically updated probability of on-time delivery that changes based on new evidence.

2. Cost Estimations and Budget Forecasting

Cost estimation is another area where Bayesian methods can be highly valuable. When estimating the cost of a project, initial forecasts might be based on similar past projects. However, as the project progresses, new information becomes available—such as changes in labour costs, delays, or unforeseen complications. Bayesian updating allows for continuous refinement of cost estimations, improving budget accuracy and reducing the likelihood of cost overruns.

In the UK public sector, where accountability and tight budget control are paramount, using Bayesian methods could lead to more accurate and transparent financial planning.

Scenario: You want to adjust your cost estimates as new information becomes available about labour rates, material costs, or project delays.

Steps in Excel:

  • Initial Setup: Create a table where each row represents different project phases with initial cost estimates (your prior).
  • New Data: Add a column to represent updated information, such as new material prices or labour rates.
  • Bayesian Update: Calculate the revised cost estimates by adjusting your prior estimates based on new data. Use weighted averages or likelihood ratios to reflect how much new data should impact the overall estimate.

Formula in Excel:

= (Prior Cost Estimate * Prior Weight + New Estimate * New Weight) / (Prior Weight + New Weight)

Suppose you initially estimated that labour costs would be £50,000. New market data suggests an increase in labour rates by 10%, updating your belief. You would use a weighted formula to recalculate the estimate based on both the old and new information.

Outcome: The Excel sheet dynamically updates cost forecasts as new data is entered, improving accuracy over time.

3. Demand Forecasting

Bayesian probability can also play a significant role in demand forecasting, particularly for public sector procurement that deals with fluctuating demand for goods and services. For instance, predicting the need for healthcare supplies like personal protective equipment (PPE) can be highly uncertain, as seen during the COVID-19 pandemic. By using Bayesian models, procurement teams can incorporate new information—such as emerging trends in infection rates or supply chain disruptions—into their forecasts, improving their ability to anticipate and respond to future needs.

Scenario: You want to forecast the demand for products or services (e.g., PPE equipment) and update these forecasts based on new data such as infection rates or delivery delays.

Steps in Excel:

  • Initial Setup: Set up a table where each row represents a time period, and columns include the prior demand forecast, new data (such as infection rates), and updated demand forecasts.
  • Bayesian Update: Use Bayes’ Theorem to adjust the probability of future demand based on updated information.

Formula in Excel:

= (P(Demand | Infection) * P(Prior Demand)) / P(Infection)

If the prior forecast was for 1,000 units of PPE and new data suggests a higher demand due to a spike in infection rates, you would use a Bayesian update to revise the forecast upward. This allows you to constantly adjust forecasts as conditions change.

Outcome: The demand forecast is constantly revised based on new data, allowing better planning and inventory control.

4. Contract Management and Performance Monitoring

In long-term contracts, performance can fluctuate. Traditional methods might offer a static view of supplier performance based on initial contract terms. Bayesian approaches, on the other hand, can help procurement managers adjust their assessments of supplier performance dynamically. By continuously feeding new performance data into their models, managers can update their expectations and make real-time adjustments to ensure the best outcomes for the public sector.

For example, if a supplier consistently exceeds performance expectations, the likelihood that they will continue to do so can increase. Conversely, if issues arise, Bayesian methods can highlight the need for corrective action before problems become entrenched.

Scenario: You want to monitor the performance of suppliers over time and adjust your expectations based on their historical performance and new performance metrics.

Steps in Excel:

  • Initial Setup: Create a performance tracking table where rows represent different suppliers and columns track performance metrics like delivery timeliness or quality.
  • New Performance Data: Add columns where you input new performance data from the latest period.
  • Performance Adjustment Using Bayesian Update: Adjust the probability that a supplier will continue to perform well, based on both historical performance and new data.

Formula in Excel:

= (New Performance Score * Weight of New Data + Prior Performance Score * Weight of Prior Data) / (Weight of New + Weight of Prior)

Supplier B historically has a performance score of 85%. After receiving recent data showing they performed at 95% over the last period, you can apply a Bayesian update to revise their performance score dynamically.

Outcome: The Excel model helps you adjust your performance expectations, leading to more proactive supplier management.

5. Risk Management and Contingency Planning

In public procurement, risks such as supplier insolvency, political changes, or regulatory shifts can disrupt projects. Bayesian models allow procurement teams to assign probabilities to these risks and update their risk assessments as new information becomes available. For example, if a supplier begins showing signs of financial trouble, a Bayesian model could adjust the likelihood of supplier failure, allowing procurement teams to put contingency plans in place more effectively.

Scenario: You want to manage risks such as supplier insolvency or project delays, updating the likelihood of these risks occurring as new data comes in.

Steps in Excel:

  • Initial Setup: Set up a risk matrix where each row represents a potential risk (e.g., supplier failure), and columns represent the prior probability of each risk and new data inputs (e.g., financial performance updates).
  • Bayesian Risk Adjustment: Use Bayes’ Theorem to adjust the likelihood of each risk materialising, based on new data like market conditions or supplier updates.

Formula in Excel:

= (P(New Risk Evidence | Prior Risk) * P(Prior Risk)) / P(New Evidence)

You initially assess that a supplier has a 5% chance of financial failure. New market data shows signs of trouble, increasing the likelihood to 20%. By using Bayesian updating, you can revise your risk assessment and make contingency plans accordingly.

Outcome: The risk matrix dynamically updates, enabling better risk management and planning.

Bayesian probability theory offers a powerful framework for improving decision-making processes, particularly in complex and uncertain environments like public sector procurement. The ability to update beliefs and probabilities as new information becomes available is a significant advantage over traditional static methods. In the context of public sector procurement in the UK, where decisions around cost, supplier reliability, demand forecasting, and risk management are critical, the adaptability of Bayesian methods can be transformative.

Through the examples we’ve explored—such as supplier risk assessment, cost estimation, demand forecasting, contract management, and risk management—it’s clear that Bayesian probability provides a dynamic approach to continuously refine estimates and forecasts based on real-time data. This is especially valuable in an environment like the NHS, where changing market conditions, evolving supplier performance, and fluctuating demand can all impact procurement outcomes. By leveraging Bayesian methods in Excel, procurement teams can make more informed decisions, improving overall efficiency and accountability.

For example, using Bayesian probability to adjust supplier risk assessments allows procurement officers to be proactive in managing potential issues like delayed deliveries or financial insolvency. Similarly, applying Bayesian updates to cost and demand forecasts helps avoid budget overruns and stock shortages by refining estimates as more data becomes available.

Ultimately, the flexibility of Bayesian probability aligns well with the public sector’s need for accountability, transparency, and value for money. As digital tools and data become more prevalent in public procurement, adopting Bayesian approaches can empower procurement teams to make smarter, data-driven decisions. This leads to more efficient use of public funds, better risk management, and improved outcomes for taxpayers and public services alike.