Process Mining Using Power BI

Power BI is a versatile business analytics tool that can be used for process mining when combined with event logs and process mapping techniques. This guide will walk you through how to...

Process Mining in UK Procurement and Supply Chain Environments

Process mining has become a transformative technology for analysing and improving operational processes across various sectors, including procurement and supply chain management. In the UK, organisations within industries such as healthcare, manufacturing,...

Embedded Systems: A Cyber-Physical Systems Approach

In today’s world, digital technology is embedded in almost every aspect of our daily lives, from smartphones to cars, and even healthcare equipment. But what exactly are embedded systems, and how do...

Introduction to Cryptography

Cryptography, the science of securing communication and data from adversaries, has been an essential part of human history for millennia. In today’s digital age, it plays a pivotal role in protecting sensitive...

Modelling and Simulation: A Foundation in Discrete Events and Iterative Systems and uses in UK health procurement and supply chain

In today’s world, modelling and simulation (M&S) have become indispensable tools in a wide range of fields, including engineering, healthcare, economics, and environmental sciences. These tools allow us to create representations of...

Data Enrichment in Spend Analytics: Leveraging Machine Learning for Enhanced Product Attributes

In the era of big data, organisations are increasingly reliant on spend analytics to make informed decisions and drive efficiencies. Spend analytics involves the collection, categorisation, and analysis of expenditure data to...

PPE distribution UK 2020 – 2023

The distribution of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) in the United Kingdom during the COVID-19 pandemic, spanning from 2020 to 2023, marked a critical component in the nation’s public health response to the...

Improving Supplier Data for NHS Organisations: A Roadmap to Transparency and Efficiency

The National Health Service (NHS) stands as a testament to the power of public health. Its scale and reach mean it deals with an enormous volume of suppliers, each contributing to the...